Thursday, June 13, 2019

Dawn the Rebirth It was not a hot day by any means, it was a warmer day than yesterday and it was not raining.

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 Another sunny day for the coastal city of Santa Barbara, California, sitting on the cliff that over looks the Crown Jewell's and the Queen Bee ships ready for the high seas. Both were tied up and sitting in the docks, the silver and the blue with the gray stripe were shining out, and floating on the moor, it was great.  Dawn the Rebirth It was not a hot day by any means, it was a warmer day than yesterday and it was not raining.
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Starr and Sabrina Jackson were waiting for the stars to come out tonight. It was a game that the twins still played who could guess the time the sun will set. It was just a dance of colors across the sky, and it was about the shadows that the sun has to pass at varies points in time. There are never two days with the same colors during sunset, just like there are not two snow flakes that are the same during a snow storm, so this is what they still like to do together. Dawn the Rebirth It was not a hot day by any means, it was a warmer day than yesterday and it was not raining.

Watch the changing colors of the sunset, is always the best way to end the day, for them it was a way of life, to see the setting sun over the ocean.  This was also the time that the fairies, pixies and the butterflies come out to put the colors in the stars that that shine at night, and they also get to paint the colors on the flowers and all the little things that make up the night. Night has not arrived yet, it is a couple of hours away, still is what both Starr and Sabrina think, and the talk go on to the party for the new birth.   Dawn the Rebirth It was not a hot day by any means, it was a warmer day than yesterday and it was not raining.

A cerebration that we do every year, for the new birth, and it is about the butterflies and the new worlds and the new  starts on a change of plans. It is the guest list for the fundraiser that is set for March 18, and the list of the insects that are going to be the star features of the night. Colors had to be picked for the butterflies, moths and the dragon flies, which were the order of the day.Dawn the Rebirth It was not a hot day by any means, it was a warmer day than yesterday and it was not raining.

 The theme was set for May Day, and had to check to see if we would be able to get enough flowers for the parade. There were so many projects that we still need to check, it was about the time of day, and the floats needed to be covered with over 20,000 flowers.  Wings were going to be the hard part, and we need wings for butterflies, moths, and dragonflies, and the fairies, pixies, and the angels, needed wings also.

We had about 2 dozen left over from Christmas, and it was going to be a piece of cake to get them back for this May Day party. Needed to get the wings for the guest, and for the prizes also, we had wings to make the angels wonder if they had lost any at all. It was going to be a great night for the wonder of all the lights that will be on.

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